Active ingredients1 serving (3g)
AAKG 750 mg
beta alanine 750 mg
citrulline 312 mg
tyrosine 165 mg
taurine 165 mg
caffeine 50 mg
beetroot extract 150 mg
glucuronolactone 37.5 mg
inositol 50 mg
Rhodiola rosea extract standardized to 1% salidroside, 40% polyphenols 12.5 mg
Schisandra chinensis extract, standardized to 2% schizandrins 8.3 mg
Cocoa extract standardized to 50% flavonoids 5 mg
Black pepper extract standardized to 95% piperine 3 mg
Capsicum annuum extract DER 8:1 25 mg
Panax ginseng extract DER 4:1 12.5 mg
inosine 165 mg
Bitter orange extract, standardized to 98% hesperidin 50 mg
Guarana extract, standardized to 22% caffeine 50 mg

* Ingredients, weight, and nutritional values may vary slightly depending on the flavor variant of the product.
